15年ほど前に本のしおりを作りました。名前はBOOK PITON(ブックピトン)といいます。

BOOK PITONが生まれたきっかけ
最初のブックカバーブランドを立ち上げた時のイメージが「ハードコア読書(Exctreme Reading)」でした。(実際は推奨しませんが)たとえば、マウンテンバイクでダウンヒルしながら読書・・・とか、サーフィンしながら読書、そして、ロッククライミングしながら読書など、ハードコアな環境に耐えうるハードなブックカバーを目指しました。

そのひとつ、ロッククライミングからの着想で、"読破" を "山頂" にたとえて、本をクライミングするイメージがこちらの "しおり" です。少しずつページにピトンを打ち込みながら難しい本を読破する・・・こうした想いを形にしています。
こちらのしおりは他のものに比べて少し厚みがあります。また、最後には手作業でユーズド加工を施しています。これらのデザインはモダンクライミングの黎明期(60年代)使われていたピトンをイメージしています。これらの仕様は当時から変わっていません。この加工を「ONE TIME - ATTACK HAND FINISH」と呼んでいるのは、実際に「一発勝負のハンドメイド仕上げ」であり、難解な本を読了したあと(決死のクライミング後)に残った「ピトン」というストーリーを描いています。

Around 15 years ago, I created a bookmark called BOOK PITON. The name is a blend of "Book" in English and "Piton," which refers to a tool used in rock and ice climbing. A piton is driven into rock or ice walls to secure a rope and prevent climbers from falling. Though "Book" is English and "Piton" is French, the name BOOK PITON is a term I coined on a whim. I liked the sound of it and found it easy to search, so I decided to keep the name.
The Inspiration Behind BOOK PITON
When I first launched my initial book cover brand, the concept was "Hardcore Reading" or "Extreme Reading." The idea was to create durable book covers that could withstand harsh environments, such as reading while downhill mountain biking, surfing, or even rock climbing. Though I don't actually recommend reading in such extreme conditions, the concept was to create a product that could endure the most intense situations.
One of these inspirations came from rock climbing. The idea was to compare "finishing a book" to "reaching the summit" of a mountain. The BOOK PITON bookmark embodies this concept, where you metaphorically drive a piton into each page as you conquer a challenging book, marking your progress as you climb through the text.
This bookmark is slightly thicker than most others. Each one undergoes a handcrafted, distressed finish, inspired by the pitons used during the early days of modern climbing in the 1960s. The design and process have remained unchanged since its inception. We call this process the "ONE TIME - ATTACK HAND FINISH," as it represents the "one-shot handmade finish" that reflects the story of a piton left behind after a climber's intense journey—just as you would leave your mark after finishing a difficult book.