わたしがブックカバーを作ろうと思ったきっかけは、当時(そして今も)アウトドアや旅に特化したブックカバーがほとんどなかったことでした。海外出張が多く飛行機の移動やら、買い付けの合間の娯楽として、旅に特化したブックカバーがあったら良いなぁと、日頃から感じていました。次第にブックカバーの構想を強く抱くようになり、そして、自分で作ることを決意します。こうして、「Thunder Heart BOOKS(サンダーハートブックス)」というブランド名で、周囲にパイピングを施したコーデュラナイロン製の、旅や屋外に特化した本のためのアウターウェア(ブックカバー)を作り始めました。
My Essential Tool for Focused Reading: The Book Cover
To fully immerse myself in reading, there's one tool I can't do without: the book cover, which I consider outerwear for books. Whether I'm on a long journey, taking a break on a bench at a park, or waiting at a bus stop or train platform, pulling out my favorite book, encased in a protective cover, allows me to dive into the world of the book without worrying about prying eyes. For me, this is an incredibly luxurious experience.
The idea to create my own book covers came from the lack of options specifically designed for outdoor use and travel—both then and now. As someone who frequently travels abroad for work, often finding myself on planes or with some downtime between business meetings, I longed for a book cover that could withstand the rigors of travel. Gradually, the idea grew stronger, and I finally decided to make my own. This led to the birth of "Thunder Heart BOOKS," a brand dedicated to crafting book covers made from Cordura nylon with reinforced piping, designed specifically for travel and outdoor reading.
From the start, there were people who supported my book covers. After several years of development, I believe the product reached a high level of completion. However, the brand was also involved in apparel production, which caused the brand's focus to become unclear. Eventually, the brand went on hiatus, and with it, the book cover production ceased.
Over time, the world of books underwent significant changes. Smartphones became ubiquitous, and eBooks like Kindle became mainstream. As a result, the demand for paper books declined, leading to the closure or downsizing of many local bookstores. Naturally, the need for book covers also saw a sharp decline.
Then one day, I found myself on a long train journey, traveling three to four hours with a half-read book tucked in my bag, protected by one of my beloved book covers. It was a slow, leisurely journey on local trains, with several transfers along the way, but the experience of reading during the trip was deeply satisfying and filled me with joy. Around the same time, a friend I hadn’t seen in a while mentioned, “I’m still using your book cover!” It was then that I realized there still wasn't a product on the market that served the same purpose... Of course, I knew it was a niche product, but I decided to trust in the voices of my few loyal users, including myself, and resume production.
In this new chapter, I've refined the previous design, keeping what was necessary and eliminating what wasn't. While I'll go into more details later, I’m thrilled to share that the reborn book cover is once again available, as we restart our journey as an apparel maker for books.