イギリスでは、独立系書店が急増中です。大手書店が苦戦する中、個性豊かな書店がコミュニティの中心として人気を集めています。1990年にオープンした「DAUNT BOOKS(ドーント ブックス)」は、その代表例です。この書店は、温故知新を地で行く「世界で最も美しい書店」として知られています。また、こうした書店では、地元の読書会や交流イベントが頻繁に開催されているそうです。
オーストラリアでは、自然環境を活かした読書体験が注目されています。バイロンベイでは、「Street Library at Byron」といった自然の中で読書を楽しむ活動が行われています。これは、最近注目されているデジタルデトックスの一環でもあります。自然に囲まれた中で本を読む贅沢な時間が、心と体を癒してくれます。
フランスでは、読書が文化の一部として深く根付いています。毎年春に開催される「Livre Paris(リーブル・パリ)」は、世界中から20万人近くが集まる巨大なブックフェアです。フランス政府も読書普及活動に協力しており、本への愛情が国民全体に浸透しています。
イタリアでは、若者の読書離れを防ぐための取り組みが盛んです。「Io Leggo Perché(私は読むから)」というプロジェクトでは、学校や図書館、出版社が協力して読書の魅力を広めています。また、ローマでは「作家カフェ」と呼ばれる読書カフェが増えているそうですが・・・いまのところ真偽は不明・・・
The Global Resurgence of Reading: Examples from Around the World
While local bookstores in Japan have been closing one after another, the number of bookstores is actually on the rise in other countries. In today’s increasingly digital world, the value of holding a physical book and becoming engrossed in a story is being rediscovered. Here, we introduce the global reappreciation of reading with specific examples.
United States: A New Wave of Reading
In the U.S., the efforts of celebrities to promote the joys of reading have been gaining attention. Particularly among Generation Z, young people are launching their own “book clubs.” Sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic, reading has become a way for people to connect with one another. These book clubs typically involve members reading a pre-selected book and then gathering to discuss their thoughts. Reading is being revalued as a new social experience.
United Kingdom: The Revival of Independent Bookstores
In the U.K., independent bookstores are experiencing a resurgence. As major bookstore chains struggle, unique, independent shops are becoming popular community hubs. A prime example is “Daunt Books,” which opened in 1990 and is celebrated as “the most beautiful bookstore in the world,” perfectly blending old and new. These bookstores frequently host local book clubs and community events, further strengthening their role as cultural centers.
Australia: The Fusion of Nature and Reading
In Australia, reading experiences that incorporate the natural environment are gaining attention. In Byron Bay, initiatives like the “Street Library at Byron” allow people to enjoy reading in nature. This is also part of the growing trend of digital detox. The luxury of reading a book surrounded by nature provides both mental and physical rejuvenation.
France: Reading as a Cultural Pillar
In France, reading is deeply ingrained in the culture. The annual “Livre Paris” (Paris Book Fair), held every spring, attracts nearly 200,000 visitors from around the world. The French government actively supports the promotion of reading, and a love for books is deeply embedded in the national consciousness.
Germany: Preserving Bookstore Culture
In Germany, bookstore culture is highly valued. There are strong policies in place to support independent bookstores, which serve as vital centers for local reading communities. Regular book clubs and author events are held, fostering a rich literary culture. The Frankfurt Book Fair, the world’s largest trade fair for books, is a key event that draws publishing professionals from all over the globe.
Italy: Reading Initiatives for the Youth
In Italy, there are active efforts to prevent a decline in reading among the younger generation. The project “Io Leggo Perché” (I Read Because) involves schools, libraries, and publishers working together to promote the joys of reading. In Rome, there is also an emerging trend of “author cafes,” though the extent of this trend remains to be seen.
China: The Rise of the Reading City
In China, the culture of reading is being reevaluated. Chengdu, in particular, is making strides as a “Reading City,” with bookstores actively providing reading spaces. 24-hour reading rooms are especially popular, offering a place for book lovers to indulge at any time. As the country continues to develop economically, reading is becoming more embedded in the cultural fabric.
India: The Introduction of Reading Week
In India, “Reading Week” has been introduced to encourage a national reading habit. Reading-related events are frequently held in schools and public facilities, and Indians are known to be among the world’s most avid readers, with an average of 10 hours and 42 minutes of reading time per week.
South Africa: The Mobile Library Project
In South Africa, efforts are being made to enhance reading environments to improve literacy rates. One such initiative is a mobile library project, supported by a Japanese NPO. These mobile libraries bring books to hard-to-reach areas, providing many people with access to reading opportunities.
In this digital age, the charm of physical books is being rediscovered. As the global resurgence of reading continues, people are once again becoming enchanted by the infinite worlds within books. The various initiatives and emerging reading styles across the world highlight the richness and potential of culture. It’s clear that the magic of reading will continue to captivate hearts for years to come.